I am healing from an injured gluteus maximus. I have found the stack'n'tilt swing seems to be an effective
workaround, while I rehab with physical therapy. This swing causes minimal stress to the
glute, is pretty easy to learn, and doesn't cost much in the way of
performance -- perhaps a half-club to a club in distance and no other
noticeable degradation. Here is the reasoning and the biomechanics.
The problem
I hurt my back playing golf in early July 2023.
I thought it was a return of my sciatica, a compressed disc. Dr
Michael Lospinuso, a really good back specialist who also plays
golf, ruled that out quickly and concluded that I had torn my right
glute. I guess doing an enthusiastic (and proper) hip turn can still be
dangerous, at least if you're 82 years old. Per his prescription, I am
rehabbing at JAG One Physical Therapy in Oakhurst, NJ, mostly with
Mike Santamaria and sometimes Gianna Vassallo. In 2019, Mike and his team got me back on
the golf course after sciatica sidelined me for the whole previous year, so I trust them.
The therapy, of course, is increasing the strength and flexibility of
the injured right glute, and all related muscles. That includes
symmetry (left glute), antagonists (abs and hip flexors), related and nearby
muscles (hamstrings, quads), and just generally making my core strength
more robust. After a month, I was very anxious to get back on the golf
course. Mike was supportive of this, but I needed to "not overdo it".
Mike is a golfer himself, and knows that "not overdo it" probably means
walking off the course if it hurts. More to the point, it means walking
off the golf course before I re-injure it and have to start over --
maybe from an even worse condition.
That's experience speaking, not just my imagination. When I first
injured it, the pain
forced me off the course on the 11th
hole. I rested it for a week, felt fine, but then just five holes of
put me in worse pain -- and worse shape -- than when I walked off the
week before. That's
when I went to the doctor and wound up in physical therapy.
figuring out when therapy was over would require trying to play golf --
not overdoing it.
In order to tell whether I am healed and can be discharged from
therapy, I have to go out and do repeated forceful contractions of my
injured glute (called "golf swings") and stop when they begin to hurt.
If I don't stop, I am likely to re-injure them and we're back to square
one with the therapy. But once I am on the golf course and playing a
round, I find it hard to stop, walk off the course, and go home. And not doing so
is the very definition of "overdoing it".
A potential solution
Of course, one solution is to stop playing golf until I am healed.
Unacceptable for a couple of reasons:
I have a want and a need to play golf. It is my exercise,
to keep me physically fit. It is my entertainment, to keep me mentally
This injury is most apparent when aggravated by a golf swing.
Playing golf is the recommended and most effective way to tell when I
am healed, perhaps the only way.
But maybe there is a better way. Suppose there were a "safe" golf swing that allowed me to play
golf, but only demands little to no effort from the trail glute? If
there were, then I could play golf, but revert to the safe swing if and
when I felt a twinge of gluteus maximum trouble. Instead of walking off, I could play the rest of
the round with the safe swing.
The Stack and Tilt Golf Swing,
known informally as stack'n'tilt or S&T, looks like it could be a safe swing.
The essence of
stack'n'tilt, the thing that sets it apart from other swing techniques,
is that
the weight stays on the lead leg the entire swing. If the goal is to
avoid overworking the trail glute, it sounds promising. This
way, I can try my full-weight-shift normal swing any time during a
round, but I can finish the
round with stack'n'tilt if I am feeling a little warning twinge.
The next chapter explores the biomechanics of the normal golf swing
(the problem) and the biomechanics of stack'n'tilt (the potential
solution). If you are not interested in the biomechanics, feel free to
skip ahead to my experience using S&T as a
safe swing.
Here we look at the muscular actions that drive the golf swing,
specifically the muscles of the lower body, the hips and legs. The
upper body is also an interesting biomechanical study, but not relevant to
the current question: how does the golf swing use the gluteus maximus
on the trail side, and how can we minimize that use?
The golf swing plane is at an angle; it is not straight up and down,
nor is it just "around". In what follows, I'll look separately first at
the muscular actions that cause horizontal (top view) rotation and then
at the actions that cause vertical (frontal view) rotation. This is not
the way to do it for an accurate, detailed analysis, but it is easier
to understand this way.
So, some of the approximations and simplifications in the analysis
Only the hips and legs will be considered.
The horizontal ("transverse plane") and vertical ("frontal
plane") kinetics will be treated separately.
Most or all of the muscles will have some contibution, but
I'll only discuss those that make a major contribution.
This is not a
quantitative analysis! A professional biomechanical study would
look very different. It would start with a motion capture system and
continue with a full-body
inverse dynamics analysis to determine the torques at each joint.
That can be used (with some effort) to calculate the forces exerted by
each muscle. Once again let me emphasize, we are not doing that. This
is a very informal "analysis".
The normal golf swing
The way I would characterize the "normal golf swing" for purposes of
this article is: on the backswing, the weight is loaded onto the trail
leg (the right leg for a right-hander like me). On the downswing, that weight on the
trail leg is used to push off and rotate the body, both horizontally
and vertically. Let's look at the forces involved and which muscles
they come from.
Horizontal forces
Let's start with the
rotation of the lower body in the transverse plane -- the top view.
(This picture and the next are adapted
from a frame grab of a Brendan Steele video
on the HackMotion web site.)
A power move in the golf swing is the hip turn. Let's take a look at
what drives it, and what makes it a power move. During the first part
(perhaps the first half) of the downswing, the dominant movement is hip
rotation. The green arrows in the picture show that hip rotation comes
The trail (right) hip moving forward.
The lead (left) hip moving back.
We use our muscles in such a way as to make the ground reaction forces
push our right side forward
and the left side backward. That means we want to create ground
reaction forces corresponding to the red vectors in the picture.
If you don't know what ground reaction forces (GRFs) are, here is a quick tutorial. (I hope to have a better and more
golf-specific tutorial in my biomechanics notes when they are
complete.) And if you doubt the importance of ground reaction forces,
check out this most
instructive video; it shows very well what happens when
you are missing exactly the GRFs we are talking about.
So what do we do in a golf
swing to induce the GRFs in the previous picture?
Remember that a GRF is an equal and
opposite reaction
to the force your foot exerts on the ground.
This picture shows red vectors that are equal and opposite to the GRFs
in the previous picture. So the lower body has to move so the feet
exert these "foot action forces". That implies a "scissoring" of the
The right foot kicks backwards, powered mostly by the trail
gluteus maximus.
The left foot kicks forward, powered mostly by the lead
Those key muscles are shaded yellow in the picture. They are large,
powerful muscles, with the ability to produce a forceful hip turn,
leading to a powerful golf shot. In order to generate that power, the
right glute and left quad must contract very forcefully in the
downswing. Apparently I was doing it right, which turns out to be both good news
and bad news. The bad part was that the powerful contraction tore a
tendon connecting the right glute to my skeleton. Hence the need for
physical therapy.
In what follows, I will skip the
step of showing the foot action force and the muscle. I will assume you
got the idea from this picture, so I will only show the ground reaction
force, and discuss in words the muscles involved. You will have to
remember that the muscles need to generate an equal and opposite force to the GRF.
Frontal forces
The GRF generated in the frontal plane during the downswing occurs in
two phases:
The first half of the downswing, the force is mostly on the
trail foot.
The last half of the downswing, the force is mostly on the
lead foot.
If we were doing a full-scale detailed analysis, it would reflect that
there is some action from
each foot for the entire downswing. The net
ground reaction force is
exerted somewhere between the feet, closer to the trail foot early and
to the lead foot later. We will treat them as separate, because (a) it
is easier to understand that way, and (b) it turns out the frontal
forces are not critical to our goal of a low-glute-action swing because
they do not
engage the trail gluteus maximus very strongly.
(The pictures for the frontal view of the normal swing are frame grabs
from a YouTube video of Tiger Woods' swing.)
Any rotational acceleration is proportional to a torque exerted on
whatever is rotating. The body will tend to rotate around its center of
mass, or COM. (Engineers and older physicists will call it the Center
of Gravity, or CG.) So to cause the body to rotate in the frontal
plane, a torque has to be applied to the body in the frontal plane.
That torque will be a moment
of force around the COM, and that is what we will look for in all
our frontal plane rotations.
In this picture, the red
ground reaction force acts on a line that is forward of the COM. The
yellow line is the distance from the COM to the force's line of action;
that distance is the "moment arm". And the torque -- the moment of the
force -- is the force times the moment arm. If you increase either the
force itself or how much it tilts forward, you will increase the torque
that drives the body rotation.
The force the body exerts on the ground is equal and opposite to the
GRF in the picture. So it is a push by the trail foot downward and away from the target.
That suggests that the principal muscles creating the foot action force
muscle that could lengthen the leg to push along the
leg. The leg is already mostly extended; there isn't much trail knee
flex at transition, so the quads are not in a position to do a lot. (It
would be nice if they could, because the quads are big and powerful.
They will do what work they can, but it is limited because of the
limited angle needing to be straightened.)
But the trail
calf muscle (gastrocnemius) can be used to extend the foot
itself, to get you "up on your trail toe", and that is where some of
the push comes from.
Note that the force does not act directly along the trail
leg. That suggests there is something moving the foot more outward, not
just along the axis of the [fairly straight] leg. So we know the trail hip
abductors are probably involved, rotating the whole leg in a
direction away from the target.
In the latter part of the
downswing, the trail leg is extended as much as it can. So it will not
be generating large amounts of force against the ground. (In fact, even
just the weight of the golfer will have been largely removed from the
trail leg; if the swing is proper, the weight will almost be over the
lead foot by this time.)
So any significant ground reaction force will be on the lead foot; the
lead side (body and leg) will generate the foot's action force.
The lead quad
is pressing the lead foot into the ground pretty forcefully at this
The lead side glute
may be offering considerably help at this point. Earlier in the
downswing, the glute was a lot less active; it had to let the quad's
contraction push the lead hip backwards. But now it needs to stabilize
the leg underneath the body, which calls for force from the glute.
You have seen the bigger hitters on TV actually jump the lead
foot off the ground. This requires exerting a larger GRF, which is what
provides rotational acceleration in the last 20-30% of the downswing. That would involve the lead side calf
muscles. The jump has the added advantage of getting weight off
the foot, allowing the body to rotate horizontally later and larger
without a high torque injuring the lead leg.
The stack and tilt golf swing
Let us repeat what we just did, this time for the Stack and
Tilt golf swing instead of the normal swing. We will look for the
differences, particularly in the trail side gluteus maximus.
(The pictures of S&T forces are adapted from frames grabbed from a YouTube
video of Nick Taylor giving instruction on Stack & Tilt.)
Horizontal forces
The image is taken at the same
point as the earlier examples of the
normal swing, the start of the downswing. But this time, the swing is
S&T, which means Nick's weight is "stacked" over the lead (left)
foot. Most of the vertical pressure he applies to the ground is through
the lead foot; a lot less than half is in the trail foot.
That means his trail foot can't apply much kick-back force to the
ground. Remember any horizontal force the golfer apples is a friction
force. Friction requires a "normal" (that is, perpendicular) force, and
the friction force itself can't exceed some percentage of that normal
force. (I have a tutorial
on friction force
with more detail on this.) The S&T swing has a lot less weight
on the trail foot, so it is very limited in how much frictional ground
action force it can deliver. That means the trail side glute does not
exert as much effort in a stack'n'tilt swing. The ground reaction forces
in reaction to leg scissoring are still there, but much smaller than in
the normal swing. It would be hard to get enough clubhead speed to play effectively with no scissoring GRF at all, but that force
couple is not supplying nearly as much torque as in a conventional swing.
So where does the energy come from in S&T? As the picture shows,
the hips are not getting much effort from the frictional ground action
forces. So they have to be turned primarily by a frictional
(horizontal) ground action torque
exerted by the lead leg. The lead leg turns forcefully around its axis.
With the majority of the weight being on that leg, there is a lot of
normal force allowing plenty of torque to drive the swing.
Even so, it probably does not give as forceful a hip turn as the
standard swing. With most of the body rotation being driven by lead
foot ground reaction torque,
we need to look at what muscles provide axial torque to the lead leg. That
would be the internal hip rotator group
of muscles, seven smaller muscles in the hip -- not a big, powerful
like the gluteus maximum. Moreover, none of these muscles has a lot of
leverage in the horizontal plane, where we need the torque for
rotation. Yes, there is still some measure of glute and quad
action involved, but it is a lot less than what drives a normal golf
swing. The combination of smaller, less-leveraged rotator muscles and
much less glute and quad participation probably means a less powerful
Frontal forces
The frontal ground reaction
forces for the S&T swing are similar to those for the normal golf
swing, but generally smaller. That is because the hips start the
downswing closer to the target, in a somewhat similar position to late
downswing for the normal swing. So the trail leg is already a lot
"longer" in S&T than at this point in the normal swing, and there is not much room
to forcefully lengthen the leg (with the calf muscle)
nor press the foot away from the target (with the hip abductors).
Yes, there is some action of that sort, but considerably smaller than
with the normal swing.
The late-downswing GRF is
pretty simiilar to that of the normal golf swing, as are the muscle
forces needed to induce the GRF. There really isn't much reason for
them to be different. That phase has the weight forward in both swings,
and of course the same general goals of the swing. So we could expect
the lead
quad to be the most important contributor, but also the lead side glute.
And, if the golfer goes for extra power by jumping the lead heel or
even the whole foot off the ground, the lead calf muscles
could become involved as well. (Nick has only a bare minimum of "jump"
in the video, so it isn't illustrated here.)
there are a number of
differences in muscle use between the normal golf swing and stack &
tilt. The most significant for our purposes here (and perhaps the
largest overall) is the trail glute's action being a lot less, with the
horizontal rotation responsibilities transferred to the lead side
internal hip rotators. That is promising for what we are looking for --
a swing that requires little exertion from the trail glutes.
My experience with Stack and Tilt
I decided to try S&T and see if it allowed me to play pain-free
during my rehab period. The decision immediately raised three questions:
How much
effort would it require to learn S&T? That is really an
overhead for being able to play.
How effective
is S&T as a golf swing? What do I give up -- or is it an
Does it allow
pain-free golf while I rehab my right glute? This is the
original question that started me on this line of thinking.
Let's look at these key issues.
Learning stack'n'tilt
This turned out to be remarkably easy. Bear in mind that I have been
playing golf for decades, and have significantly changed my swing, either temporarily
or permanently, at least four times. So learning a new swing is not a
new activity to me.
allowing for that, I was surprised how easy it was. I found this Nick
Taylor video that seemed to be a good introduction. The "ten words"
concept promised that he would cover what the essentials of the S&T
swing are. As far as I am concerned, he fulfilled that promise. (I have
not read Bennett & Plummer's book, which is the
defining document for S&T, so I don't know for sure. But what
Taylor presents is easy to learn and does provide what I was looking
for, a swing where the weight is forward throughout -- in a 12-minute
Since I had some time before I had to go to the range and try it out, I also
took a quick browse through an Eric
Cogorno video on the subject. (I know Eric from some golf forums,
and I used to play at the course where he teaches; I had a pretty good
idea that I'd get some good, informal wisdom from him.) This video was
not instruction, but a chatty session that put
stack'n'tilt into perspective. Eric's point was that almost everything
about the stack'n'tilt swing was something you need for a good golf
swing anyway, except for the "weight forward" part. His message was,
"Don't be scared of it. The vast majority of stack'n'tilt is made of
good keys for any golf swing."
I went to the driving range to meet my practice buddy. I intended to
hit nothing but stack'n'tilt swings, unless it started to hurt; I was
not going to be dissuaded by the golf swing not working. It turned out
to be a non-issue. It worked from the very first swing! I had no
trouble at all learning it. I wasn't hitting it all that far, but
almost all my strikes were solid, and with pretty good direction and
trajectory. So I was willing to take it to the golf course and try it
there. And it worked during a round of golf as well.
Over the past month, I have played mostly stack'n'tilt, with the
occasional normal swing to check how I was healing. Here is how I rate
each of the five two-word pairs that concisely define S&T:
is why I am trying S&T. Keeping the weight forward may take the
traill glute out of the swing. This part was very easy to learn.
had trouble with this. Lead shoulder down is a great way to think about
the backswing. But I had trouble with the downswing. I have tried a
right-side swing in the past -- spent half a year on it -- and found
that a left-side pull worked better for me. The "right shoulder down"
key encourages an active right arm; it simply did not work for me. I eventually settled for "left shoulder
down; left shoulder forward" instead. Worked fine!
I don't need to work on this; my swing plane already does it.
That has been one of my productive swing keys, so it fits right in.
has been one of my problems with a conventional swing anyway. Focusing
on it for S&T definitely helps performance, but I do have to work at
it. But no more so than I had to work on it with the normal swing.
The bottom line is that I have adopted (and adapted) stack and tilt with success and not much difficulty.
How does stack'n'tilt compare as a golf swing?
Here are the differences I notice when I use stack'n'tilt:
My ball striking is fine -- perhaps more solid and more reliable than it was with the normal swing.
am losing distance, but not a lot. On average, I lose
perhaps a half club to a club. This should not be surprising, because
there are a few biomechanical changes that substitute a weaker ground
reaction force than the normal golf swing. Sometimes, especially with
middle irons, I lose even more carry distance on a shot that felt and
looked solid; no idea why.
I have the impression that S&T is a "remedial" swing. It is a
serviceable swing for golfers that can't master a proper weight shift. It should serve that purpose very well; I think I am more
reliable than I was with the normal golf swing at "ball then turf"
contact -- and I wasn't bad at that before. But that benefit comes with
a cost -- distance.
Well, perhaps a more precise statement would be a cost of clubhead
speed. We always tend to equate clubhead speed with distance, but that
isn't precisely true. It is more accurate to equate ball speed with distance. The
difference between the two assertions? Smash factor.
If the rest of the swing assures better ball contact, then it might
work out to be a wash -- and I think S&T will do that for many
golfers. Still, it is a little disconcerting to hit what feels and
looks like a good strike land in the front bunker. I am going to have
to recalibrate my distances from "shading" perhaps half a club
to at least a full club.
Does stack'n'tilt allow me to play golf during my rehab?
Yes and no.
It certainly does a good job of protecting the trail glute from strain, and that was the goal.
However, it can strain other muscles and joints more than the conventional swing.
It puts a lot more responsibility on the internal hip
rotator muscles. They are smaller and less powerful than the gluteus
maximus, and have correspondingly smaller support. Therefore we could
expect that to be the next point of failure.
I have noticed increased strain on my lead knee
and ankle. The effect is so slight I can't be certain it is real and
due to stack'n'tilt. But I think it is real, and if so it is easily
explained. The horizontal hip rotation is now being driven not by the
trail glute, but by an axial torque in the lead leg. And that torque
would need to be transmitted from the internal hip rotators to the
ground via the knee and the ankle.
Side tilt is not something the spine does very well nor
very easily. Rapid and forceful side tilt is an invitation to injury.
In fact, side tilt to the right side at impact and early follow-through
is probably the biggest cause of golf-induced back pain. Rob Neal has
reminded me that S&T introduces a new side tilt -- left side tilt
in the backswing. It isn't nearly as violent as the right side tilt
near impact, but probably represents a danger to the back over enough
time and repetition. (Note that the sides refer to a right-handed
golfer; opposite side for left-handed.)
On the course, I find myself playing stack'n'tilt almost all the time.
A few times a round, I'll tell myself, "Let's go for it," and execute a
full-on weight-shift-driven swing. If I believe what my body tells me,
I'm not completely healed yet. I don't have serious pain, but I do feel
a warning twinge. Still, reverting back to S&T after a twinge
allows me to play pain-free, even twinge-free golf for the rest of the
And that was the purpose, right?
A few caveats about this study
This is not a scientific study. It is a serious but low-budget amateur
relating some anecdotal evidence. Worse yet, the person doing the study
is also the subejct of the study -- that should warn you of built-in
If this were a professional, scientific biomechanical study, there would have been:
Multiple subjects, divided into a test group and a control group.
A full-body inverse dynamics analysis of each swing for each subject, using a mathematical model of the human body.
A statistical analysis of the results, giving a better idea of
how much load has been removed from the trail glute by changing the
If this were a professional, scientific medical study, there would have been:
Multiple subjects, divided into a test group and a control group.
A way to measure the degree of healing of the torn glute.
A statistical analysis of the results, giving a better idea of
whether changing the swing promotes better healing. It is entirely
possible and even likely that it is just improving my mental health by
allowing me to play golf while I recover. It is even possible that
stack'n'tilt, minimal as the strain on the glute may be, retards the
healing rather than promoting it.
Here's another caveat.
I am rehabbing a damaged gluteus maximus, not a damaged spinal disk. It
is unlikely that stack'n'tilt will provide the same relief for a disk
problem. The cause of disk herniation and compression is a combination
The force of the golf club's release pulling the shoulders toward the clubhead via the arms.
Right side bent (for a right handed golfer).
Rapid rotation.
Biomechanics-PhD golf instructor Kiran Kanwar has discussed this at length; here's a current example
of her exhortation. Her recommended solution is a swing she invented
for the purpose, which she calls the "Minimalist Golf Swing". Its
hallmark is a level shoulder swing, which eliminates side bend.
Note that the "second commandment" of stack and tilt is "shoulder
down". That immediately says it is not a rehab enabler for a trail-side
lower back problem, even though it can be one for a torn trail glute.
I'd like to thank Dr Robert Neal
for his comments on my draft. The changes he suggested have been made,
and the article is higher quality as a result. I also want to thank
Peter Mannas, who caught an error and let me know so I could fix it
before the article was publicly available for two days.
modified -- Oct 10,
Copyright Dave Tutelman
2024 -- All rights reserved