Physical principles for the golf swing


Dave Tutelman  --  Sept 4, 2022

Examples and more analysis tools

We have seen some ways to analyze forces and torques. Most, like adding vectors or resolving them into their X, Y, and Z components, are fairly straightforward conceptually, but sometimes they require a lot of arithmetic. If we deal with a lot of forces and try to compute the motions they cause (like the human body doing something complex like a golf swing, or even just walking), the concepts still work. But the amount of computation and the collection of numbers you need to keep around can be staggering.

Let's look at some examples to give a better idea of how to approach problems associated with the golf swing. Even if you are not interested in analyzing free-body diagrams in general, there are some important insights into the golf swing in the example where the free body is a golf club; please make it a point to understand this one.

Moment of inertia of a golf club

A set of golf clubs have to be matched to one another in a variety of ways. Unless you've been living under a rock, you have heard of frequency matching and swingweight matching. Well, an effective (and starting to become popular) alternative to swingweight matching is MOI matching. An MOI-matched set of clubs all have the same moment of inertia, measured around an axis that passes through the butt of the golf club, and is perpendicular to the shaft axis.

The diagram shows a golf club swung as a pendulum from its butt; that is the classical instrument for MOI-matching a set of golf clubs. There are better instruments today, but this shows very well the club and the axis about which moment of inertia is being measured.

But instead of measuring the moment of inertia, we are calculating it here. The way we calculate it is to consider the club as an assembly of pieces that are easy to find the I, either easily calculated or in a reference table. Then we add all the Is together for the I of the assembled club.

Here are the three major pieces that make up a golf club, the head, the shaft, and the grip. Our job here is to find the I of each piece around the red axis, then add them together. Start with nomenclature:
  • Mass of the head is H.
  • Mass of the shaft is S.
  • Mass of the grip is G.
  • The length of the shaft L can also be used to approximate  (a) the length of the club itself and (b) the distance from the axis to the middle of the clubhead.
Let's compute the moment of inertia of each of the components around the red axis.

Shaft: We can consider it a long rod with the axis at one end. There are lots of tables around with the moment of inertia for that shape; it is:
I  =  (1/3)ML2
So, in terms of our golf shaft, it is:

Ishaft  =  (1/3) S L2

Head: The dimensions of the clubhead are a lot smaller than L, the distance to the axis. So the mr2 chunks are all going to have very similar values of r, specifically ~L. So we can, to a pretty good approximation, say:

Ihead  =  H L2

Grip: The grip is a hollow tube. It is tapered, but our first approximation will treat it as constant-dimeter. We get only very small errors from treating it like a rod of length g. (We will re-examine the approximation below, when we introduce the parallel-axis theorem. We will compute a more exact I and see what error this simplification produces.)

Igrip  =  (1/3) G g2

Whole club: We can add up all the pieces and see the moment of inertia for the entire club. When we do that and combine common factors, we get:

Iclub  =  L2 (H + S/3) + g2 G/3

Let's plug in some numbers typical of a 7-iron, and see what the moment of inertia is, both for the components separately and for the whole club. We will be using units familiar to an American clubmaker: length in inches and mass in grams. Yes, this is kind of a mixed-unit system, but I in gram-inches2 is still a valid unit. Here is a table of the calculations:

of inertia
L = 37"
r = 37"
g = 10.5"
Whole club

Things to note:
  • 88% of the moment of inertia is due to the clubhead.
  • Less than on half of one percent of the moment of inertia is due to the grip. I know I tossed away a casual excuse for treating it like a rod, but just about any approximation for grip MOI will have no effect on the club's MOI -- because the grip itself has almost no effect on the club's MOI.
  • We are able to do computations of moment of inertia, which was the point of this section.

Center of mass (center of gravity)

What is the center of mass? I have seen it described (by people who actually had no idea) as the point an a body where there is as much mass on one side as on the other. Be advised that this is wrong! It is actually the point that the object can balance on. If you think carefully about it, that should tell you that it is the point where there is as much clockwise gravitational moment as counterclockwise gravitational moment. The system balances -- that is, it doesn't move, it stays in equilibrium -- because there is a zero net torque due just to the weight of the object itself.

Let's point out here that Center of Mass has essentially the same meaning as Center of Gravity or Balance Point. There are subtle differences, but they don't involve golf clubs or the golf swing. So which term you use will depend mostly on your background. Center of Mass is the predominant term in biomechanics papers, and I'll try to be disciplined about using it here. Center of Gravity is the term used in my physics and engineering courses, which is why I might slip up now and then; it's the term I've been using almost all my life. And Balance Point is used by clubfitters and clubmakers more often than not.

Center of Mass is often abbreviated COM or CoM.

Next question: how do you find or calculate the center of mass for an arbitrary object? Well, for symmetrical objects of regular shape, the CoM is the geometric center. If the shape is regular, you can tell it by eye or ruler, no problem.

For more complex shapes and distribution of masses, there is a procedure for computing where the CoM is. The procedure is:
  1. Compute the moment of the weight of the object object around some axis. You can choose any axis to make the computation easier.
  2. Also compute the total mass of the object.
  3. Divide the moment (part1) by the mass (part 2), which gives a number with a unit of distance -- e.g., 2.6 meters. That is the distance from the axis you chose to the CoM, so you now know where the CoM is.
Let's go through the procedure, using the 7-iron whose moment of inertia we just computed. Let's find the CoM (the balance point) of the club. We will take as the axis the butt of the club, mostly because it is easy to do the calculations from there. We could have taken any perpendicular axis, and we would get the same position of the CoM.

Here are the three subassemblies of the golf club -- the grip, the shaft, and the head. We will find the torque that their weight applies to an axis at the butt of the club. Remember, torque is a force times a distance to the axis; all of them are labeled on the diagram.
  • The grip's weight is 60g, and it can be modeled as being applied in the middle of the grip, 5.25" from the axis.
    So the torque is 5.25*60=315inch-grams.
  • The shaft's weight is 80g, applied in the middle, 18.5" from the axis.
    So the torque is 18.5*80=1480inch-grams.
  • The head's weight is 270g, and we can approximate the torque by considering all of that weight 37" from the axis.
    So the torque is 37*270=9990inch-grams.
We add the torques together to get 11,785 inch-grams.
If we add the weights together, the total weight of the club is 410 grams.
We divide the torque by the weight and get 28.7 inches.

So the CoM, or balance point, of the club is 28.7 inches from the axis.
As a sanity check on this number, always good to do if you can, I measured the balance point on my own 7-iron, straight from the bag. The components are the weights we assume here, but it is cut almost an inch longer; that's what I play. The balance point was 29.2 inches from the butt, which matches very will with our calculations; the difference can be explained entirely by the difference in club length.

If you are comfortable with calculus, you can find the center of mass of an object that can't be broken into discrete pieces of known position and weight. The principle is still the same. Instead of the sum of torques divided by the sum of masses, you would use the integral.

CoM  =
r dm

Note that I have added a CoM symbol to the diagram of the golf club. Horizontally (the x direction), it is the 28.7 inches from the axis that we calculated. But it is not on the centerline of the shaft shaft. That is because not all of the mass is of the club is symmetrical around the shaft axis. Specifically, the clubhead's CoM is decidedly off the shaft axis. If we were to repeat the calculations for the y direction, the answer would not be zero -- hence the CoM would not be on the shaft axis.

Parallel axis theorem

This is a very handy way to compute the moment of inertia of an object, if you know it about some axis but really need to know it about a different axis. The way it works is:
  • The smallest moment of inertia of the object (any object) is about an axis through the CoM. We refer to this moment of inertia as Io.
  • The moment of inertia of the object around an axis parallel to the axis for Io and a distance r from that axis, is given by:
    I  =  Io + mr2
Here are a couple of very simple examples before we get to more interesting examples. For these simple examples, the object is a thin ring of mass m and radius r, for instance the rim of the bicycle wheel we saw earlier. The moment of inertia around the axle we have already seen to be mr2. So...
  1. What is the moment of inertia of that ring about an axis at the rim but parallel to the axle?
    The new axis is at the rim, so it is a distance r from the original axis (the axle). So the new I is
    I  =  Io + mr2  =  mr2 + mr2  =  2mr2
  2. What is the moment of inertia of that ring about an axis 10r from the axle?
    By the same reasoning:
    I  =  Io + m(10r)2  =  mr2 + 100mr2  =  101mr2
    So moving the axis away from the object only 10 times the radius of the object (roughly five times the size of the object), we can ignore any properties of the object except of its mass, and only introduce at most a 1% error. That justifies what we did earlier when we considered the clubhead a point mass and didn't worry about its actual size or shape.

Example: hollow tube

Earlier, when we computed the moment of inertia of a golf club, we approximated the grip as a hollow tube, which was pretty believable. Then I suggested the further step of evaluating its moment of inertia about the end cap by the same formula we would use for a slender rod. We neglected the diameter as well as the open center. Now let's justify that step.

Here is a reference table entry showing the moment of inertia of a hollow tube. I have added a green axis labeled E, parallel to the X-axis but at the end of the tube (where the end cap of the grip would be) instead of the middle. The table gives Io for the X-axis as:
Io  =  (m/12) * (3(R22 + R12) + h2)

We need to move the axis to the E-axis, which is a distance of h/2 from the X-axis. The parallel axis theorem tells us that moment of inertia is:
IE  =  (m/12)*(3(R22 + R12) + h2)  +  m*(h/2)2

With a little factoring, we can come up with:

IE   =   m (

R22  + R12


We know from other tables that the first term (mh2/3) is the moment of inertia of a slender rod about its endpoint -- which is exactly the approximation we made. We can see how much of an error we introduced by comparing the first term (our approximation) to the second term. We know from the dimensions of a typical golf grip that h=10.5", R1=0.3", and R2=0.5". Therefore:
  • The first term (which our approximation was based on) is 36.75
  • The second term (what our approximation ignored) is 0.085
So what we ignored is only 0.23% of the approximation -- negligible unless it has to be very accurate. Our approximation was warranted.

Example: Io of the golf club

In the previous exercises, we found:
  1. The moment of inertia of a golf club, taken about an axis at the butt. (Often used to match clubs within a set.)
  2. The center of mass of that club, measured from the butt.
Now let's find Io of the same club, a conventional 7-iron. We could do it as we did it for the I at the butt, trying to compute the moment of inertia about the balance point for each component. (That sound like a lot of work, and it is. But conceptually at least, it would not be too hard since we have the parallel axis theorem as a tool.) But now we have a much easier way to do it. We can use the parallel axis theorem, applied to the total-club information we already have.

Let's review what we already know:
  • The total mass of the club is 410 grams.
  • The total moment of inertia about the butt is 408342 gram-inches-squared.
  • The balance point is 28.7 inches from the butt.
How can we attack this with the parallel axis theorem? At first glance, it doesn't sound right. The parallel axis theorem tells us how to find any other moment of inertia, given that we know the moment of inertia through the CoM. But it is still a pretty simple equation with only one unknown, so let's set it up and see if we can solve it.

I  =  Io + mr2       (the theorem)

408342  =  Io + 410 * 28.72  =   Io + 337713     (our equation)

This equation is simple to solve, even by eighth grade standards. The base moment of inertia Io is 70,629 gram-inches-squared.

Equivalent force-couple system

Suppose you have a rigid object, you know all the forces and torques on it, and you want to know what motion that will create. Put another way, much of biomechanic analysis is converting kinetics into kinematics. In our study of the golf swing, the rigid object might be:
  • A body part, like a forearm.
  • A collection of body parts, that can be considered approximately rigid. For instance, standard biomechanical representations of the human body may lump the central body into just two or three sections, e.g. just the thorax and the pelvis.
  • A golf club, assuming we are prepared to ignore the flex of the shaft. (Whether we are will depend on the problem we are solving. And even if we need to consider shaft flex, we can often be accurate enough if we treat the shaft as a few rigid sections -- maybe 3-5 of them -- connected by spring joints.)
Usually we don't have a system as simple as a single torque and a single force through the center of mass. If we did, then we could just apply F=ma and T=Iα and go from kinetics to kinematics -- from mechanics to motion. (For it to be this simple, the force has to be through the center of mass. Otherwise it also contributes an additional torque, the moment of the force.)

But there is a very powerful tool to help us here. You can always transform a collection of forces and torques on a rigid body into a single force through the center of mass and a single couple. This is what you need to go from known kinetics to the motion we want to understand. Let's look at a few examples. But first, a few caveats about this transformation, which is called an "equivalent force-couple system".
  • The techique works for any axis you choose. But our purposes here are to investigate the motion of a body part or a tool (e.g.- golf club) that the body is using, and the interesting axis here is through the center of mass. Some of the early examples will be transforms to some arbitrary axis, but as we progress through these notes, we will be increasingly focused on equivalent force-couple systems about the CoM.
  • The original collection of forces and torques are equivalent to the single force and single couple. But the equivalence is restricted to external behavior. If you want to know how the forces and torques create stresses within the object -- internal effects -- this equivalence does not work.
  • We do this in order to study dynamics -- how a collection of forces and torques create motion of a body. It is much harder to go the other way, from observed motion to the set of forces and torques that caused it. We will touch on this later, but not in this chapter.
On to the examples:

Textbook example

Here is a fairly simple example, similar to one of the first half-dozen homework problems at the back of the chapter.

We have a rectangular gray object with a number of forces and couples imposed on it. The object is 6 feet by 4 feet, and the Center of Mass is in the geometric center. Our job is to find a single force and a single couple that will produce the same dynamic effect as these forces and couples. By now, you should not need a word description of what is in the diagram.
The first step in the solution is something I choose to do in the problem. It is not absolutely necessary, but it should make solving this problem easier. (Also many other problems, so it is worth considering this first.) We are going to resolve the forces so that was only have X-axis and Y-axis forces.

Of the two forces, the 7-pound force is already just an X-axis force, so we only need to resolve the slanted 10-pound force. It resolves into an X force of 8 pounds and a Y force of 6 pounds.

We are going to do two things with this information:
  1. Get the moments of all the forces about the CoM.
  2. Get the total net force on the object.
First let's get the moments of the forces. Let's call clockwise moments the positive direction. So the moments of each force is:
  • (CCW) 8 lb * 2 ft = -16 ft-lb
  • (CW) 7lb * 2 ft = +14 ft-lb
  • (CCS) 6 lb * 3 ft = -18 ft-lb
Adding them together, we get the total moment of forces on the object as
  • -16 + 14 - 18 = -20 ft-lb

Now we can find the total net force on the object. We need to do vector addition for all the forces. Since we have converted all the forces into X and Y components we just do simple signed addition of the X forces separately from the Y forces.
  • X forces: 8 (left) + 7 (left) = 15 (left)
  • Y forces: 6 (down)
So we have a right triangle with sides of 6 and 15.
  • The Pythagorean Theorem says that the hypotenuse of the triangle is 16.2.
  • Simple trigonometry (sine, cosine, or tangent; we can use any of them for this) tells us the angle is 21.8°.
So here is our equivalent force-couple system.
  • The single force on the object, acting at the CoM is 16.2 pounds, acting to the left and downwards at an angle of 21.8°.
  • The single couple on the object is -30 foot-pounds, or 30 ft-lb acting counter-clockwise.
We simply added (with directional sign) the couples applied to the object and the total moments of force. We didn't need to worry about where any pure torque is applied to the object; a couple can be applied anywhere and the external dynamics will be the same. The only thing that is different is the internal stresses within the object.

There are lots of textbook examples out there. Here are a few links that might be enlightening, and I'm sure you can find more.

Links to lecture notes and lessonsexample 1   example 2    example 3

Links to videos:    video 1    video 2    video 3

Golf club example

This one is important! Repeat! This example is important to understand! The things you will learn here are some of the things you need to know about the golf swing, not just about physics -- and some of them run counter to old-school, traditional advice.

We are going to start with a diagram that is very close to "Figure 1" for quite some biomechanics papers involving modeling a golf swing. This particular version of the diagram comes from a tutorial that Dr Young-Hoo Kwon posted in 2015 to the "Golf Biomechanists" group in Facebook. I chose this for simplicity; most of the others boil down to this, but have to be boiled down from a more complex picture.

The diagram identifies the three influences that determine the motion of the golf club during the downswing. (The same diagram probably works for the backswing and follow-through as well, but most biomechanics studies focus on the downswing. During the instant of impact -- for less than a millisecond -- there are other influences, but we won't worry about them at this point.) The influences are:
  • The weight of the club, a force which acts through the CoM. It is labeled as mg because it is equal to the mass of the club m times the acceleration of gravity g.
  • The hand force, shown as F on the diagram. It acts through the "mid-hands point", which for most golfers is about 3.5in or 9cm from the butt.
  • The hand couple, shown as T on the diagram. It is applied by the hands, but analytically it doesn't matter where a pure torque is applied to the body; it has the same effect on the body's motion wherever it is applied.
And that's it! The hand force and hand couple vary during the downswing, which of course adds complication, but the weight vector is perfectly constant throughout. Let's redraw this as a classical free-body diagram, assign values, and find the equivalent force-couple system -- and see what we can learn along the way.

Figure 1

Here is our club with the weight, the hand force, and the hand couple. A few things I chose for this specific example:
  • We are looking at the club at the moment it is horizontal during the downswing. (The instruction community tends to refer to this as "club parallel", but that is ambiguous. I mean, parallel to what? They mean "the ground", but it could have been "the target line" or perhaps "the lead arm". If you mean "parallel to the ground", then "horizontal" is a one-word way to say that unambiguously.)
  • I show the arc of the hand path in the diagram. This is because...
  • I choose to resolve the forces not to X and Y axes, but an axis perpendicular (or "normal") to the hand path and another axis tangential to the arc of the hand path. I'm not doing this to confuse, but to apply some physical meaning to the components
    • The normal force is so-called because it is "normal" or perpendicular to the hand path. It provides the acceleration to produce a curved path for the hands. Since it is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the hands, it can curve that motion but not make it any faster or slower. It would be accurate to say this is a centripetal force, keeping the club on a circular path.
    • The tangential force accelerates the hands along the hand path. It is the provider of hand speed, and plays a very significant role in clubhead speed (as we shall see several chapters down the road).
It is worth noting that club horizontal occurs fairly late in the downswing. True, it is only about 2/3 of the way through the motion of the club. But the club accelerates, both linearly and angularly, through the downswing. The first two thirds of the motion will occupy a much larger portion of the time, likely about 90% of the time.

Now let's put some numerical values on the three influences, and derive the equivalent force-couple system.

Figure 2

We are using the same 7-iron we did when we computed the moment of inertia and the center of mass earlier on this page. So the weight of the whole club is 410g, which is almost a pound. Let's use 1 pound here to keep the numbers simple. We found the CoM to be 28.7" from the butt of the club, which is 25.2" from the mid-hands point where the hand forces are applied. At this point in the swing, the hand couple is about 10 foot-pounds, and the hands need to exert a 20-pound normal force just to keep the club from flying off on a straight line. The tangential force, which is creating hand speed, is actually a lot less than the normal force; we'll make it 9 pounds here.

Now let's find the equivalent force-torque system.

Figure 3

The first step is to resolve each force into its X and Y components. Then we add the X forces and Y forces, remembering to keep the sign in mind -- add or subtract as appropriate.
  • Total X force = 9.4 + 7.9 = 17.3 pounds
  • Total Y force = 17.7 - 4.2 - 1 = 12.5 pounds
So now we know the X and Y components of the equivalent force.

The next step is the equivalent torque. We already have a hand couple of 10 foot-pounds counterclockwise (negative). Of all the red-vector forces on the diagram, only two of them contribute to a moment around the CoM; all the rest of the forces pass through the CoM, so the moment arm is zero and they produce no moment. The forces of interest here are 17.7 pounds in a counterclockwise direction and 4.2 pounds clockwise. Both are exerted at the mid-hands point, 25.2" from the CoM. So...

Clockwise moment of the hand force
 =  4.2*25.2  -  17.7* 25.2

 =  -340 inch-pounds

 =  -28.3 foot-pounds

Figure 4

Adding the X- and Y-forces together at right angles, we get a 21.3 pound force at an angle 36° above horizontal So that is the force through the center of mass.

The total couple acting on the club is the hand couple (10. ft-lb counterclockwise) plus the total moment of force (28.3ft-lb counterclockwise), for a total of 38.3 foot-pounds counterclockwise.

I said that this is an important example. Richard Hamming (an innovator in numerical analysis, among other things) famously said, "The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers." So here are some insights we can glean from the computation we just did.
  1. Gravity doesn't matter. Well, it matters a little. Very little. The weight of the club (the only contribution of gravity to the free body diagram) is only one pound, much less than any of the other forces involved and very much less than the 21.3-pound force for the equivalent system. So it contributes rather little force to the system. Perhaps even more important is that it contributes not at all to the equivalent torque, which turns into angular acceleration of the club. More than 80% of the clubhead speed at impact is due to angular velocity, and gravity seems not to be doing much for us in that regard. Bottom line: we should not focus our swing keys on any advantage gravity might give us; it contributes very little of the club's energy, and that very little is likely to happen no matter what our swing looks like.
  2. Moment of the hand force is the source of most of the angular acceleration of the club, not the hand couple. We can't dismiss hand couple as completely as we do gravity, but most recent biomechanical studies have shown that focusing on the moment of the hand force is more productive.
  3. Most of the force exerted by the hands late in the downswing is not tangential, not towards the target. It is merely keeping the club from flying away from the curved hand path. This is not true early in the downswing, but becomes overwhelmingly so as the clubhead approaches impact.
We can learn a few more lessons if we analyze this example using a different decomposition of the forces.

Figure 5

Instead of decomposing the forces on the X-Y axes, we could just resolve the components of the hand force into a single force of 22 pounds acting at the mid-hands point and directed 38° above horizontal. The moment arm of this net hands force is the distance from the center of mass to an extension line of the force; it is 15.5" in this instance.

Things we learn when we look at the example this way:
  1. As we see here, if you exert a force on an object that does not go through the center of mass, it will rotate the object in such a direction to line up the CoM with the line of action of the force.
    Therefore: As long as you can keep the extension line of the hand force in front of the shaft, you will keep angularly accelerating the club.
  2. The larger the hand force and the more you keep the line of force in front of the shaft, the greater the angular acceleration.

Last modified -- Oct 2, 2022