Honey's friends

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Honey's high school friends Ellen Summerspitz, Harriet Foster, and Barbara Lang, and Honey herself

Honey's friend Geri Strauss (left) and another unidentified friend(?) visit her at Cortland in 1962


Honey was a counselor at Camp Woodcliffe the summer of 1961. Her co-counselor, Adele Kahane, was a CCNY student at the time, and in fact a friend of mine at school. We didn't know that Adele was a mutual friend until we had been married for years.


Honey was the hiking and camping counselor at Camp Dunmore in Vermont in 1962. With a lake and a climbable mountain right there, plenty of hiking and camping to be done. Here's Susan Blackman (another counselor), a camper, and Honey.

Honey was certified as a dental assistant and X-ray tech. For several years, she worked for Dr Joe Zicchino's dental practice. Here's the members of the practice in 2005