Rice Family Photos

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Isaac Rice, ca 1911


Lena Rice, ca 1911

Zises' Bakery ca 1891
Samuel Zises, Fanny, and Louis in front of the family business.

(back row L to R) Cousin Ethel Weissberg, Rose, Frances
(front row) Selma, Murray ca 1923

Sam was a track and field star in high school. Here are three medals he won from the PSAL (Public School Athletic League). The first is from the "Churchill District" championships in 1916. The other two are from an annual meet sponsored by the Sunday World, a NY newspaper at the time.

Sam and Ruth Butler Edelson in front of Ruth's home in Brooklyn, mid 1920s

Murray, Sam, and Florence at the beach, ca 1930

Murray and Sam look like lifeguards, ca 1930

Murray, Frances, and Sam in the Tutelman's back yard (1988)


The Rices that were at Dan's Bar Mitzvah (1988)


Alan and Tamika's Wedding in 2005