The Doris Family

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Honey's mother Florence was one of four daughters of Abe Doris.
Florence, the oldest, married Sam Rice and had kids Rochelle (middle name Honey) and Ilene (Sobel).
Continuing in order of age:
Ann married Harry Zinkin and had kids Arthur and Ziggy (who died as a child).
Renee married Lou Jacobs and had kids Bill and Rebecca (Penso).
Shirley married Peter Diak and had son Steve. After Peter died, she married Kenny Englander.


Ida & Wolf Zimmerman, Honey's great grandparents

Rebecca Zimmerman & Abe Doris, on the occasion of their 1907 engagement


Abe Doris


The Doris family, guess about 1940.
Front: Renee, Ann, Shirley
Back: Sam, Florence, Harry, Abe
From the flowers, I would guess this is Ann and Harry's wedding.
Photo from Rebecca Penso

Bill and Rebecca
Photo from Rebecca Penso


Most of the Doris clan at Steve Diak's bar mitzvah around 1967.
Front: Honey, Ann Zinkin, Florence, Ilene.
Back: Arthur Zinkin, Harry Zinkin, Abe Doris, Steve, Shirley Diak, Peter Diak, Sam.


Abe and all his grandchildren. Clockwise from Abe:
Bill, Rebecca, Arthur, Honey, Ilene, Steve
Photo from Rebecca Penso


The Jacobs family: Rebecca, Lou, Renee, Bill.
Photo from Rebecca Penso

Father and husbands of the Doris women:
Peter Diak, Sam Rice, Abe Doris, Lou Jacobs, Harry Zinkin
Photo from Rebecca Penso

Shirley and Renee in 2001.
Photo from Renee

In 2012, I received a half-dozen files of about 20MB each, scans of Rebecca Penso's photo album pages. Most of the photos on this web page I culled from those and restored in a photo editor program.